Saturday, June 29, 2013

paypal kena limit terus, moneybookers solusinya

akhir-akhir ini banyak sekali teman-teman IM yang mengais rejeki lewat dunia maya akun paypalnya kena limit. alhasil banyak dari mereka jadi gak bisa nerima pembayaran. solusinya adalah moneybookers!

Proses verifikasi untuk daftar dengan moneybookers ini cukup mudah. bahkan tanpa cc pun bisa. ada 3 pilihan verivikasi. melalui cc, melalui debit card, melalui surat pos.

Jadi buat kamu yang kesulitan membuat cc (masalah klasik para full time IM, gak punya slip gaji) tetap bisa menggunakan moneybookers.

tanpa verifikasi pun bisa tapi akun ada limit outgoing transaksinya. dengan melakukan verifikasi maka akun kamu limit outgoing transaksinya akan dinaikan.

Menurut review dari para bule yang dah menggunakan moneybookers ini sejauh ini tidak ada masalah. respon mereka juga cepat. tidak sering limit seenaknya sendiri seperti paypal. kekurangan moneybookers menurut mereka ada pada charge fee yang lebih besar, namu masih reasonable kok, gak besar-besar amat. moneybookers saat ini banyak digunakan di europe.

Mungkin itu dulu review dari saya, kalau ada mastah yang berpengalaman menggunakan moneybookers silahkan ditambahkan reviewnya. Kebetulan saat ini saya baru pada proses verifikasi account jadi belum ada banyak pengalaman dengan moneybookers. semoga verifikasinya lancar (verifikasi menggunakan pak pos).

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kupas Tuntas Sejarah Windows, Raja Sistem Operasi yang Berawal dari Garasi Rumah

Bicara tentang dunia komputer, siapa yang tidak tahu windows dengan segala variannya? Siapa yang tidak tahu windows xp, windows vista atau windows 7? Hampir 70% pengguna komputer di dunia ini memakai windows sebagai sistem operasi mereka. Namun tahukah anda sejarah windows, awal mula mereka berdiri sampai sekarang? Artikel berikut ini akan mengupas habis tentang sejarah dan awal mula berdirinya microsoft windows yang digawangi oleh bill gates.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Pengertian komputer server, apa dan bagaimana membuatnya?

Artikel singkat kali ini akan membahas tentang pengertian komputer server dan seluk beluknya. Sebenarnya apa itu komputer server? sebenarnya pertanyaan yang seharusnya muncul bukan apa itu komputer server melainkan apa itu server?.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Membuat server hosting sendiri pada komputer lokal

Pada artikel kali ini kita akan membahas bagaimana membuat server hosting sendiri pada komputer lokal. Pertanyaanya, buat apa membuat server hosting sendiri?

Cara pindah hosting cepat dan efisien serta hemat bandwidth

Adsense baru saja mengjijinkan iklanya untuk tampil pada website berbahasa indonesia. Mungkin ada diantara kita yang ingin fokus ke visitor indonesia dan mengabaikan visitor luar negeri. Jika memang seperti itu maka ada baiknya server kita pakai yang IIX saja. Dengan tujuan agar website lebih mucah diakses oleh visitor dalam negeri. tapi harus diingat, dengan menggunakan server IIX maka visitor anda yang berdomisili di luar negeri misalnya eropa akan lebih lambat ketika mengakses website anda. Permasalahanya bagaimana cara pindah hosting yang cepat dan efisien? mengingat beberapa dari para blogger sudah memliki puluhan bahkan ratusan website. Jika harus pindah server secara manual yaitu dengan cara download file dari server lama kemudian upload lagi ke server baru pasti akan memakan waktu yang sangat lama dan menghabiskan banyak bandwidth.

Untuk mengatasi hal ini ada cara pindah hosting yang cukup mudah dan cepat, serta hemat bandwidth. Ada 2 cara yang pertama adalah dengan menggunakan script php dan yang kedua adalah dengan ssh.

Kedua cara ini telah kami bahas pada artikel sebelumnya. Silahkan Anda search menggunakan kolom pencarian pada website kami dengan kata kunci "ssh", "pindah hosting", "hosting ssh", "membuat server hosting", atau "tutorial web hosting".

Semoga membantu.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pengalaman buka kartu kredit BCA tanpa slip gaji dan survey, solusi buat para full time blogger

Pada dasarnya saya pribadi sangat tidak ingin punya kartu kredit tapi karena terpaksa akhirnya buka juga. Terpaksa karena 2x dalam 1 bulan paypal saya yang aktivasinya makai vcc diblokir dengan balance lebih dari $300. Membuka kartu kredit sebenarnya hal yang sangat mudah buat para pegawai yang gajinya tiap bulan tetap. Tapi menjadi masalah buat pengusaha seperti saya (haha.. blogger maksudnya) yang tiap bulannya tidak punya pemasukan tetap, tidak ada slip gaji, dan juga SIUP.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bagaimana cara menambahkan twitter button ke website/blog

Sebelumnya kita telah membahas cara menambahkan google +1 button dan juga facebook like button. cukup mudah kan? sekarang tinggal satu lagi social media yang button-nya belum kita tambahkan. twitter like button.

caranya juga sama mudahnya, jauh lebih mudah dari yang sebelumnya. kamu cukup kunjungi url ini

kemudian pilih tipe button yang kamu inginkan. akan muncul pilihan seting, set sesuai dengan keinginanmu kemudian copy paste-kan kode yang diberikan ke halaman website kamu. misal:" class="twitter-share-button" data-via="herahadi" data-related="herahadi">Tweet

coba copy-paste kode di atas di halaman website kamu dan lihat hasilnya.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Cara menambahkan facebook like button ke website/blog

Sebelumnya kita telah membahas bagaimana menambahkan google +1 button ke website/blog. Kali ini kita akan membahas bagaimana menambahkan facebook like button ke blog/website kita.

sama seperti menambahkan google +1, menambahkan facebook like button sangatlah mudah, bahkan lebih mudah.

cukup copy paste kode di bawah ini ke tempat dimana kamu ingin tombolnya dimunculkan

simpan, kemudian lihat hasilnya.

Windows tidak dapat boot setelah install windows loader

Pada artikel sebelumnya telah kita bahas bagaimana cara install windows loader baik itu di vista, windows 7 ataupun pada windows server semua edisi. Ada sebagian dari kalian mengalami masalah setelah install windows loader, yaitu windows tidak dapat boot alias setelah di restart Anda tidak dapat masuk ke windows Anda. Apa ini berarti windows Anda hilang? atau error? tidak! jangan panik dulu, tenang aja. Berikut solusinya.

  • Ambil cd installer windows anda kemudian masukan ke cd rom dan restart komputer/laptop Anda, pastikan device yang di boot pertama adalah cd rom (anda bisa men-settingnya lewat bios)

  • Pilih "Repair your computer"

  • Pilih "Command Prompt"

  • Masukan "bootsect.exe /nt60 SYS /force" (tanpa tanda petik)

  • restart komputer Anda

  • Selesai

Sekarang windows Anda sudah normal kembali.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Cara install windows loader pada windows vista, windows 7 ultimate edition dan windows server

Artikel berikut ini akan memaparkan kepada anda dengan detail bagaimana cara install windows loader. Studi kasus cara install windows loader 1.8.2 pada windows 7 ultimate edition, dengan cara yang sama anda dapat menginstall windows loader ini pada sistem operasi windows vista semua edisi, windows server semua edisi, dan windows 7 semua edisi. Kita mulai saja, berikut langkah-langkah untuk menginstall windows loader 1.8.2 pada windows 7 ultimate edition.

  • Jalankan "Windows Loader.exe" dengan cara klik 2x pada file tersebut.

  • Pilih "uninstall"

  • Akan muncul kotak notifikasi yang menginformasikan bahwa program akan berjalan di background, jangan matikan komputer anda pada saat proses ini berlangsung.

  • klik "ok", apliaksi windows loader akan hilang dan seperti tidak ada yang berubah apa-apa, jangan panik! tunggu saja beberapa saat nanti akan muncul window "uninstall complete", jika sudah muncul window ini artinya windows loader, certificate, dan serial sudah dihapus dari komputer anda.

  • klik "ok".

  • Tutup aplikasi "windows loader".

  • Restart komputer anda.

  • Sudah direstart?, sekarang buka lagi aplikasi "windows loader".

  • Klik "install" kemudian klik "ok".

  • Tunggu beberapa saat kemudian akan muncul kotak "installation complete" dengan pilihan restart, shutdown, dan close. Pilih yang "restart".

  • Selesai

Gampang kan? :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Backup & restore file/database server to server dengan ssh

Jika pada artikel sebelumnya (baca artikel sebelumnya di sini: cara pindah hosting cepat ) telah kita bahas cara migrasi website menggunakan php script tanpa harus download semua file & database-nya ke local disk. Kali ini kita akan menggunakan metode yang lebih cepat lagi, tanpa menggunakan php script. Sama dengan metode sebelumnya, pada metode kali ini file backup dan database tidak perlu anda download ke hardisk melainkan akan langsung kita pindah server to server.

Jika pada metode sebelumnya kita menggunakan bantuan script php untuk transfer file dari server lama ke server baru atau untuk merestore database, kali ini kita akan menggunakan fasilitas ssh yang disediakan oleh hosting kita. Apa itu SSH? yang familiar dengan linux pasti paham apa itu SSH. ssh itu kalau di windows mungkin mirip dengan command prompt.  yang perlu diingat, tidak semua hosting memberikan fasilitas ssh, setau saya hawkhost support untuk ssh. baiklah kita mulai saja.

Sama seperti metode sebelumnya, kita harus membuar arsip dari file yang website yang ingin kita backup commandnya adalah seperti di bawah:

tar -czvf backup.tar.gz /home/userdikau/public_html/folderwebsite/

Kemudian kita backup databasenya. Jika sebelumnya kita menggunakan plugin wp-db-backup kali ini kita cukup menggunakan 1 baris perintah saja melalui ssh. berikut perintahnya:

mysqldump --opt -u userDB -p namaDB > /home/user/public_html/backup.sql

ingat: 2 perintah di atas anda jalankan di hosting lama.

Sekarang pada server/hosting baru.

Download file website & database dari hosting lama ke hosting baru dengan perintah:


Selanjutnya adalah extract file backup.tar.gz yang baru saja kita download, dengan perintah:

tar -zxvf backup.tar.gz

langkah yang terakhir adalah dumping database (restore database), gunakan perintah berikut ini:

mysql -u userdb -p namaDBbaru < /hostingbaru/website/backup.sql

ingat: buat database dulu sebelum mengeksekusi perintah di atas.

WhatsApp, TextMe and Co.: The SMS gets competition

Almost 117 million text messages are sent daily

Just as quickly, as easily - but in vain: "We offer a mobile message app with which you can send messages without having to pay for an SMS," the company "WhatsApp" advertises aggressively, laying his finger in the wound of the mobile operator . Messenger services for smartphones because long ago all that a text can be - and more: the limitation to 160 characters and the whole is no longer free. Up to 40 percent of SMS revenues could be in the next four years to move to the Messenger service, industry experts predict how Roman Friedrich of the consulting firm Booz & Company.

Always new messenger programs coming onto the market: The apps are called "ping", "TextMe" or "Kik", most cost less than one euro when downloading or anything. Especially the world's largest online social network Facebook has launched its Messenger in Germany, he now works on BlackBerrys, Android phones and iPhones. The California computer giant Apple does with his program "iMessage" since this summer, but also its own, the IOS operating system built-in chat communication. Blackberry scores for quite some time with his "Blackberry Messenger". Users pay only for data transmission via mobile Internet, and which in many cases included in a monthly fixed price.

"For some customer segments such services do represent a competition," says a spokesman for Deutsche Telekom. And also at the Association of Telecommunications and Value-Added Services (VATM) to observe the development very closely, says CEO Juergen Grutzner. "Surely here is a community developed, which are in an increasingly competitive relationship with the conventional SMS."

Up to 116.9 million SMS per day

But still, the competition gathered the SMS apparently harm: 2011 were sent to Germany first estimate of the Association of Telecommunications and Value-Added Services (VATM) daily 116.9 million short messages via mobile phones, more than ever before. "The SMS has proven to be just," says management consultant Frederick. "It is immediate, direct, and their popularity is very high. The disappearance of the SMS must not fear." And even in the telecom one is sure that the text "the foreseeable future, certainly not fully replaceable" is.

This is partly due to the large hooks of the Messenger: Not all programs can switch between different phone providers send back and forth and of course the user must first have a smartphone at all. In Germany, according to the industry association Bitkom currently about one in three new mobile sold a smartphone. "But of course there are always more and thus increases the competition of the Messenger," warns Frederick. Mobile operators would have to adjust to it. "The classic SMS business model is under attack."

SMS provider means a lot for the money

And this is a lucrative - some experts even speak of a gold mine. To pay the 20 cents per SMS, many German mobile phone users. Meanwhile, however, flat rates are also widespread. The cost for the mobile operators are however low. A study of computer science professor Srinivasan Keshav of the Canadian University of Waterloo in 2009, according to data based on the American mobile operators, they come to about $ 0.3 cents (about 0.2 € cents) per SMS. Profit margins of around 80 percent are not uncommon.

Total do business with SMS in Germany about ten percent of total revenue from the mobile operator, says Roman Friedrich. In order to maintain the gains that had to be moved with the times - for example by the customer would own messenger programs offered, which were installed on the same smartphone. "This must not be affected negatively on the revenue, but may even be positive."

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Trace A Mobile Phone Location - Lookup Cell Phone Numbers

If you choose a cell phone number with a reverse lookup search, you get more accurate results on jedesmal.Reverse cell phone lookup is a very popular way to find out owner geworden.Wenn information behind a cell phone number you look for find out who kept behind these anonymous phone calls on your cell phone are missing, then a reverse cell phone lookup web-site is the exact place to get answers to the question.

If you do not know what works as a reverse cell directly, it's pretty easy erklären.Es is to provide a site, the ability to have someone by their cell phone number lookup getan.Es called reverse lookup because you're not after names looking like a normal telephone Verzeichnis.Stattdessen you give the person the phone number to which the name and address of where the call stammt.Von that you can piece together just who the person is and why they may be like, you are anzurufen.Handy numbers in reverse directories so arranged or specified in the order instead of alphabetically give to Namen.Reverse phone lookup websites, not only capable of the full name of the owner, but they also give the billing address, service, and who had the number before the current owner, if at all.

The information you gain from these pages are from the big phone companies and their management of Daten.Sie sell this information to the web sites, themselves a small fee for anyone who has access to this database to cover their costs and Gebühr.Handy will turn a small profit numbers are not publicly listed, why do not you think the information in the White Pages or search any of the other conventional online directory books.
There are many reasons why people want to access a reverse cell phone lookup site wäre.Zum most of it is so easy to find out how the want, the information is behind a mysterious anonymous phone calls vermisst.Also people, if you phone numbers Search, ensures the website is a trusted and reliable source that follows through on what she says, can offer it.

KPK Salah Sita Aset LHI?Media Diam?

Menarik sekali, barusan lihat wall facebook temen yang memampang foto sebuah mobil dengan plat nomor B 544 RFS. Apa menariknya mobil itu? ternyata oh ternyata menurut akun PKS sumut ini adalah mobil yang disita KPK berkaitan dengan kasus korupsi sapi yang dituduhkan ke LHI. Masih ingatkan begitu ramainya waktu itu ketika KPK ingin menyita aset di kantor PKS yang katanya berkaitan dengan kasus LHI? waktu itu media sangat ramai memberitakan bahwa penyitaan KPK mendapat sedikit hambatan. Ramai sekali media waktu itu memberitakan...

Tapi tahukah anda? ternyata akun facebook yang mengatas namakan PKS sumut memposting sebuah mobil yang telah dikembalikan KPK. Tidak hanya akun pks sumut namun beberapa media islam seperti juga memberitakan hal yang senada. Apakah KPK salah sita? Kenapa tidak ada media seperti ketika penyitaan?

Ini dia penampakan mobilnya..

Sharp Aquos 3D mobile phone SH-80F comes to Germany

Android smartphone from 28 October at a price of 649 € available

In the league of 3D smartphone provider in Germany is joined by a new candidate: The Japanese manufacturer Sharp Aquos Phone celebrates the SH-80F his return to the German mobile phone market. The Sharp Aquos phone after the LG Optimus 3D and HTC Evo 3D be the third in this country already available 3D smartphone.

When the device is however not an entirely new model. Back in May of this year, Sharp introduced its 3D smartphone before officially. Until recently, the Aquos Phone SH-80F, however, was only available in Japan.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Bagaimana menambahkan yahoo messenger ym online status badge pada blog/toko online

Sudah tahu kan apa yang saya maksud dengan yahoo messenger online status badge? itu loh yang biasanya ada di samping kiri atau kanan blog/toko online untuk indikasi pemilik blog/cs toko online sedang online di ym atau tidak. Untuk toko online, menambahkan yahoo messenger online status sangat penting agar calon customer bisa menghubungi langsung cs toko tersebut melalui ym.

Nokia Asha 200: More details about the new dual-SIM smartphone

In addition, three other smartphones with Symbian Serie40

As reported, Nokia today unveiled the next Windows Phones Lumia Lumia 800 and 710, two smartphones based on Symbian operating system Serie40. Asha's new series, which include mobile phones are primarily designed as a low-cost devices for emerging markets. For the year 2012 is also scheduled to launch in Germany.
Nokia Asha 200: SIM card change made easy

Particularly exciting is the Nokia Asha 200, which provides a dual-SIM mobile phone the ability to operate two mobile phone connections in parallel. Furthermore, the second SIM card slot is accessible without opening the battery compartment cover. So it is possible to quickly and while running other SIM cards to use. It can configure the name, logo and ring tones for up to five operators card.

The Nokia 200 Asha should be available without a contract for about 70 €. The unit is 115.4 times 61.1 x 14 millimeters and weighs 105 g. It supports only GSM networks in the 900 and 1800 MHz. Data transfers are possible via GPRS and EDGE.

The phone comes in Blackberry design. Beneath the 2.4 inch (6.1 centimeters) wide display is a full keyboard. In addition, the Nokia Asha 200 via a 2-megapixel camera. Internally there are 10 MB of disk space. This allows up to 32 GB microSD memory cards.

The Nokia 200 supports Asha has an e-mail client on board, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, Ovi Mail and other services. With pre-installed instant messaging client can be the Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, Google Talk and Ovi use chat. In addition, a Facebook client, and an Internet browser.

Nokia supplies with a battery that has a capacity of 1430 mAh. That's enough, according to the manufacturer for up to seven hours of talks. The maximum standby time is use a single SIM card with up to 37 days. In Dual-SIM operation to up to 23 days standby mode to be possible.
Asha 201, 303 and 300: Additional new smartphones Serie40

Asha as Nokia 201, the same model without the dual-SIM functionality has been introduced. It is planned to move the sales price on the same level as the Nokia Asha 200th While the dual-SIM phone to be delivered later this year, Nokia is planning the launch of Asha only 201 for the first quarter of 2012.

Asha, the Nokia 303 comes with a full keypad below the display where it is a touchscreen model with a diagonal of 2.6 inches (6.6 centimeters). The unit is 116.5 times 55.7 times 13.9 millimeters and 99 grams. It offers GSM and UMTS-HSPA support, including data transmission. This is the Internet access a WLAN interface, which supports the 802.11b/g/n standards. Nearly 140 € to the Nokia 303 Asha cost without a contract.

Asha The Nokia 300 features a classic contrast of mobile phone keypad. The unit is 112.8 times 49.5 by 12.7 millimeters and weighs 85 g. It also offers UMTS support and has a 2.4 inch (6.1 cm) color touch screen on board. Without a contract to the phone for around € 100 go on sale.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich: This brings the software update

Sun mobile phone and tablet version will grow together again

With the new version of Android 4.0, Google Ice Cream Sandwich, the recently separated rails of the operating system for mobile phones and tablets together again. Previously, Google with Android 3.0 Honeycomb had presented a specially optimized for the larger tablet version of its software, which differed greatly from the previous mobile versions. Many manufacturers have already announced updates to their devices, the first Google phone Nexus One, however, apparently remains on the sidelines. But what exactly the update brings to the new version, and can manage the way back to the single-track system? The new features of Android 4.0 make Ice Cream Sandwich hope.

Even the look of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich - which is, however, by some manufacturers and their self-developed surface does not always look so - the obvious kinship with the tablet version of Honeycomb. The Android buttons for "Home," "Back" and "Menu" now look like on the Tablet, the fourth button for the search has been dropped. As before, there is the possibility of hardware buttons or touch buttons to use as Google confirmed to Gizmodo.

Design is minimalist

Overall, the design of Android clearly become simple and minimalist than previous versions. The buttons with its clean geometric shapes are reminiscent in some cases even a little of the Metro-design of Windows Phone 7 General use has not been touched, can continue to be the Android-users from the full menu - pack their favorites on the different home screens - now that looks like honeycomb. Widgets provide information without any further action on the applications and can now change the size. Icons can, much like the iPhone, are grouped into folders.

Also known by the Tablet Android Multitasking is the view of open applications, which has now kept on the mobile feeder. With a tap allows the application running at the show, switch back and forth between them and quit. This is handy for those users who do not need to multitask even on the phone and do not always want multiple applications in parallel to keep in mind. Retread were also core applications such as e-mail program and browser, which should now be faster and easier. Users can now use the Android browser instead of custom websites for mobile users to quickly switch to the normal desktop view, the speed of page design should also be increased significantly.

Camera effects, and sharing control over the data traffic

Particular attention is devoted to the Google camera. The corresponding application has been donated numerous new features designed to exploit the potential of modern mobile phone lenses better. These include an image stabilizer, face detection or special-focus modes. While a video is recorded, can also save individual images, panoramic images can be made on a train and not have to be assembled from individual images. Pictures and videos can also with numerous effects subsequently.

Beam with Android, there is a new feature that uses the NFC standard for exchanging data. Two NFC mobile phone with the latest Android can exchange apps, contacts, music or videos with each other quickly and easily. Also handle the new Android-generation WiFi Direct to connect to other phones or take suitably equipped printers.

For smartphone users, despite the increased popularity of flat-rate plans also control the data traffic is still an issue. Google returns with the new version of Android has its own application, which offers many opportunities for control. The user can configure alerts, and the complete stopping of traffic, depending on how the contract looks like their own.

Ice Cream Sandwich to the Galaxy Nexus in Video

Of course there are many smaller changes in the new operating system, including new features on the Lock screen, an improved spell checker and much more. Obviously it is Google in any case quite serious about it, make the separation of Android to reverse. At first glance, the developers at Ice Cream Sandwich Honeycomb many good features have also taken on the phone, such as the multi-tasking and view the menu structure. Useful additions like the new features to transfer documents are also welcome. App developers for the new SDK also provides the opportunity to jointly develop an application directly for all product categories. The sign for Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich are entirely positive, even if the new software still needs to prove harsh everyday.

Finally, Google has released a video showing some of the new features in action. When does the new Galaxy Nexus device is used, which is manufactured by Samsung again and expanded the number of Google phones by another model.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Smartphone Review: Apple iPhone 4 in Test

Scrape fall freeze: In the COMPUTER BILD test lab had the iPhone 4 show whether the reputation of a super-mobile phones will meet. New functions, faster processor, a five-megapixel camera, a better screen and longer battery life are promising.

One-gigahertz processor, 512 megabytes of RAM
When switching is immediately apparent: the iPhone 4 is required for starting only 32 seconds. For comparison: the latest operating system iOS 4 requires the iPhone 3G 37 seconds, the iPhone 3G even 49 seconds. Even after the Apple flounder works much quicker than its predecessor. This is not surprising, the iPhone 4 finally put the new Apple A4 processor (one gigahertz clock frequency), which also comes in to use iPad, and whopping 512 megabytes of memory - twice as much as the iPad and iPhone 3G. More memory does not get the iPhone 4: The top model, which has tested COMPUTER BILD, has 32 gigabytes of memory, 16 gigabytes of the cheaper option.

Phone: reception problems in your hand?

The Internet are accumulating reports that the transmission and reception quality varies - depending on how the user holds the phone. COMPUTER IMAGE presented difficulties in the UMTS network, the iPhone 4 under laboratory conditions for successful and says what is in the rumors turn. The test results are read in the news: "iPhone 4 reception problems." Otherwise, the mobile phone when offered decent results, but radiates a little stronger than its predecessor.

Camera, webcam, video camera, dual-microphone

The iPhone 4 finally draws with the same competition and gets a five-megapixel camera with LED flash (previously there were three megapixels). First pictures were much sharper and more detailed than that of 3G. In laboratory tests showed, however, that Apple has yet to detail in terms of catching up. The colors seemed very strong, but partly also somewhat artificial. Thanks to reach the low shutter lag (0.15 seconds) spontaneous snapshots.

For video telephony, there is a small webcam on the front. Apple calls the video chat feature "face time" that works exclusively on iPhone 4 to iPhone 4 and initially only for wireless productivity, but also later in the UMTS network will find their use. Video picks up the phone at 30 frames per second and 720p HD resolution (1280x720 pixels). The clips are stored on the phone using "iMovie for iPhone" edited that for 3,99 € (June 2010) to be purchased separately in the App Store must. A second microphone allows for better noise suppression, but was the iPhone 4 in the test laboratory wind-sensitive.

Gyroscope sensor: Three instead of two axes of motion
Thanks to a gyro-sensor, the iPhone 4 registered for the first time changes around the vertical axis, so that now captures hand movements on three axes. For iPhone games, this technique could be revolutionary and offer a similar gaming experience Nintendo's Wii game console. The portable 3D gaming console Nintendo 3DS - DSi successor - will also come with a gyroscope sensor on the market.

Casing and screen
Although the iPhone 4 at first glance looks bigger and heavier, it is only 9.3 millimeters thick, thin with as much as 24 percent as the 3GS and with added weight of two grams (137 grams instead of 135), slightly heavier. The screen has a scratch-resistant glass surface and the side panels are made from stainless steel, which also serves as an antenna. The bottom is not made of plastic, but from the same material as the display. It is resistant to scratches, but slippery than the previous.

Apple's smartphone has a very high resolution of 960x640 pixels (3.5 inch, 326 dpi). The display provides a wider viewing angle and shines thanks to improved IPS technology (In-Plane Switching) brighter and higher contrast (800:1). In the laboratory, the screen showed then as a particularly bright (573 cd / m²), the measured contrast ratio was 364:1. Overall, good value, even if the gloomy reflections viewing pleasure.

Battery life: better than promised
Power-saving is not the technology, but Apple promises up to seven hours of talk time before the phone run out of steam - so 40 percent more than the iPhone 3G. The larger the battery and allow the faster A4 processor that consumes less power. The iPhone 4 will hold six hours in UMTS mode, ten hours of Wi-Fi or video mode.

In COMPUTER IMAGE test laboratory, these manufacturer in some cases even exceeded: In telephone conversations in the UMTS network reaches a battery charge for more than seven hours, who speaks UMTS off and the GSM network, even has time for a duration of call of twelve hours and 18 minutes . In standby mode, the iPhone 4 failed after more than six days (146 hours 34 minutes) the service. Is the iPhone ready for the everyday use? With only the Wi-Fi and GPS receiver and an average service held the phone for ten hours and 34 minutes by - still too little to survive a trip or a long day at work without refueling.

As the 3G iPhone has four UMTS to HSPA standard (Download: 7.2 Mbit / s, Upload: 5.8 Mbit / s), GPS and Bluetooth. In laboratory tests the transfer rate was tested. While surfing the UMTS network, the iPhone went 4 with 6.97 Mbit / s, almost to the theoretical performance limit and also by GPRS and EDGE, the iPhone showed very good results. Are new to wireless n standard and the SIM card slot, the now much smaller and moved to the top of the page. There are only the latest generation of SIM cards to use so-called micro-SIM cards - like the iPad. It is possible to cut normal maps in the form, the risk of destruction is relatively high and in conventional equipment, the SIM card anymore after trimming.

Operating System: iPhone iOS 4

4 runs on the iPhone, the smartphone operating system iOS 4, which brings numerous improvements. This makes it possible, inter alia, to allow running multiple programs at once (multitasking). For more overview provide folder. The integrated e-mail program displays several mailboxes in an input folder and is able to manage several Exchange e-mail accounts. Interesting for the player's Game Center, where you store including the score or meet up with other gamers to play online.

Conclusion: Apple iPhone 4

The iPhone 4, although again not a revolution, but better than its predecessor: In the high resolution display pictures, videos, texts appear clear and sharp. The five-megapixel camera takes decent snapshots. Thanks to the high speed even editing video in HD quality possible - the appropriate software is not included, however. Good build quality makes the mini-computer is not only beautiful but also much more resistant to scratches and falls. Despite the new operating system is to operate and easy to understand.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Microsoft comes up with Google Latitude for their new Windows Phone 7

Getting where your position or even your friend exact position? planning on hang out together somewhere with your friend and need to spread the exact location to your community? well, that's all is possible if you are using android or iOS smartphone, Google Latitude is the easy solution for all of that problems. But how if you are windows mobile phone users?

If that so this is the good news for you. Microsoft comes up with Google Latitude for their new Windows Phone 7. So now you can do the same thing that android or iOS smartphone users can do.

To use it's features, first you need to send a text message to a group of your friend from your contact directory through the app contain an invitation. Once your friends is accept your invitation you are now capable to track their location through a map.

By this new app you also can communicate into your group by setting up your status message that was viewable by your group. Seems like smartphone now getting into social network application, follow the successful footsteps of facebook. You can view your group position in a time set limit that you set before. After the time is end up you and your group will not capable anymore to tracking up your group location.

For now this app is only compatible for windows phone 7 but Microsoft said this app has planned will be ported to another smartphone platforms.

Gaming: iPhone and Android smartphones supplant mobile consoles

The smartphone is increasingly becoming a replacement for mobile gaming consoles like the PlayStation Portable from Sony or Nintendo DS. This is evident from calculations of market research firm NPD Group and Flurry for the U.S. market. Significantly different but that should not appear in Europe.

In 2009, video games made for a turnover of 2.7 billion U.S. dollars. After a slight decline last year to 2.5 billion market researchers for the current year from a revenue of about 3.3 billion U.S. dollars. But of this, manufacturers of traditional mobile games consoles such as Sony with its PlayStation Portable (PSP) or Nintendo DS with less and less.

Sony lost of its limited market share of about 11 percent in 2009, almost half - currently estimate the proportion of NPD Flury and Sony only just under 6 percent. Even more, it struck competitor Nintendo. Its market share for the DS game console called the former fell from 70 percent in 2009 in the current year is expected to almost 36 percent.

Beneficiaries of this situation, the smartphone operating systems iOS and Android. Was her share of playing on the U.S. market in 2009, yet only 19 percent, according to market researchers estimate it at 58 percent today. As a reason to call the market researchers to rethink the users. The users were previously willing to U.S. $ 200 for a console and then again to pay on average $ 40 per game, she now prefers to play on an existing smartphone, especially as the games it also directly and significantly cheaper than available for download are.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

HTC Sensation XL unboxing: unpacked the multimedia mobile in size XL

Just recently the new Android smartphone HTC has come XL sensation with beats audio in German trading. Getting dealers to offer the device with 4.7 inch touchscreen for prices from 550 €. We present the sensation XL again in detail in the unboxing.

Externally, the HTC Sensation XL barely distinguishable from the Windows Mobile HTC Titan, which also has a 4.7-inch display. The differences are minimal in design, only the aluminum back and the four Android-typical sensor buttons stand out from the sensation of Titan XL. The large screen format is especially beneficial, especially those that use multi-way applications such as the video player or image viewer, or want to surf the Internet. Despite the size and a weight of 163 grams, the smartphone with its rounded shape is comfortable to hold. Since it is only 9.9 millimeters flat, it does not interfere with the transport in your pocket.

The touch screen of the HTC Sensation XL offers a resolution of 800x480 pixels, inside the smartphone a single-core processor from Qualcomm is working with a clock speed of 1.5 gigahertz, which is supported by 768 megabytes of memory - the performance boost compared to the sensation XL is the sensation should be noted immediately. The operating system is Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread with applied surface HTC Sense 3.5 for use with (manufacturer) own apps like HTC Watch, drop box or the ability to cut to the same music in the player to use as a ringtone. Early 2012 should be available for the sandwich sensation XL upgrade to the new version 4.0 Ice Cream.

Other features of the HTC Sensation XL is an 8-megapixel camera with powerful iris and video recording in HD quality (720p), GPS, Bluetooth 3.0, a microUSB port and a 3.5-millimeter jack. The HTC Sensation XL comes with the sound improvement audio Beats by Dr. Dre beats and delivered with a special headset. Once it is plugged in, the phone recognizes the Beats headphones and uses a matching sound profile. The space is limited to 16 gigabytes, is a slot for a removable memory card is not - and this has the sensation XL with the common titanium.

The HTC Sensation XL is now available at dealers first for prices from 550 € without contract. A first hand impression you can give to you when you click through our unboxing gallery.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Membuat div transparan dengan css

Pernah lihat website dengan tampilan bertumpuk dimana yang bagian atasnya adalah transparan? lebih jelasnya lihat gambar di bawah ini.


kotak detail terlihat transparan kan? bagaimana cara membuatnya? Cukup mudah kok, berikut cara membuat div transparan dengan css.

tuliskan kode berikut pada file .css:

.transdiv{background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);}

kemudian kode berikut pada file .html atau .php:

text atau kode apa saja

Gampang kan?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Daftar Aplikasi Windows 7 Yang Seringa Digunakan dan Fungsinya

Anda pengguna windows 7? Kalau begitu anda wajib baja artikel ini. Artikel ini membahas daftar aplikasi windows 7 apa saja yang sering digunakan dan bermanfaat untuk anda, dilengkapi juga dengan uraian singkat kegunakanya.
Berikut daftar aplikasi windows 7 tersebut:

  1. Microsoft office, untuk menuliskan dokumen-dokumen seperti surat menyurat dan lain. microsoft office terdiri dari banyak turunan misalnya microsoft word, excel, power point, access, groove, infopath, onenote, outlook, dan publisher.

  2. acdsee, untuk melihat dan edit gambar/wallpaper

  3. foobar, Untuk audio

  4. winamp, untuk audio, namun saat ini winamp sudah mampu digunakan untuk menjalankan video juga.

  5. foxit reader, untuk membuka aplikasi pdf

  6. firefox, opera, google chrome, untuk mengakses internet

  7. snagit, untuk meng-capture/mengambil gambar yang muncul pada layar windows

  8. tuneup utilities, untuk menaikan perfoma dari windows anda, mengoreksi/membenahi jika windows anda ada masalah, dan mengubah atau memodifikasi tampilan windows anda biar lebih ciamik sesuai dengna selera anda.

  9. yahoo messenger client, untuk chating melalui ym

  10. ccleaner, untuk membersihkan sampah-sampah pada windows anda. Untuk mempercepat kinerja windows.

  11. ultra iso, untuk membakar/burn data ke cd/dvd

dan masih banyak lagi aplikasi windows 7 yang tidak dapat kami sebutkan satu-persatu.

Menghapus user mysql melalui cpanel dan ssh

Pada artikel sebelumnya telah kita bahas bagaimana cara menghapus database melalui cpanel dan ssh. Pada artikel kali ini kita akan mempelajari bagaimana cara menghapus user melalui cpanel dan ssh.

Sebagaimana kita ketahui, ketika kita menghapus database maka user yang berkaitan dengan database tersebut tidak otomatis ikut terhapus. Kita harus menghapusnya secara manual, dan caranya adalah seperti berikut ini:


Menghapus user malalui cpanel:



    1. Login ke akun hosting anda dan masuk ke cpanel


  • klik "SQL database"



  • Pada bagian "Current User" cari user yang ingin anda hapus



  • klik tombol "delete" yang berada di samping user yang bersangkutan



Menghapus user melalui ssh:



    1. login ke akun ssh anda


  • ketik "mysql" (tanpa tanda petik)



  • masukan perintah di bawah ini:
    DELETE FROM user WHERE user='mysql_user_name';



demikian semoga membantu

Jika anda ingin belajar tentang bagaimana membuat website, hosting, domain dan hal-hal lainnya terkait dengan hosting dan website silahkan mengunjungi cara hosting web.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Cara menghapus/drop database dengan perintah sql, cpanel hosting danmelalui ssh

Perintah berikut ini digunakan untuk menghapus database mysql secara keseluruhan. Hati-hati menggunakannya karena seluruh table atau data pada database anda akan hilang.

Mendeteksi Iddle Time (Waktu Iddle) Pada Blackberry

Artikel berikut ini akan membahas bagaimana caranya membuat sebuah aplikasi blackberry yang akan menjalankan perintah tertentu saat waktu iddle (iddle time) sudah melebihi jangka waktu tertentu.

mendeteksi iddle time pada blackberry

Maksud saya seperti ini. Misalkan kita punya sebuah aplikasi blackberry yang terdiri dari halaman login dan halaman menu. Setelah login, user akan masuk ke halaman menu. Nah untuk alasan keamanan, jika user tidak melakukan aktivitas apa-apa selama waktu tertentu misalnya 3 menit atau lazimnya diistilahkan dengan user iddle selama 3 maka aplikasi akan secara otomatis logout ke halaman login. Sehingga aplikasi tidak disalah gunakan oleh orang lain (misalnya dibuat mainan anak, dsb).

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mempercepat kerja komputer windows xp, vista, dan windows 7 ultimateedition

Pada artikel kali ini kita akan membahas bagaimana mempercepat kerja komputer windows xp, vista, dan windows 7 ultimate edition. Penulis menggunakan windows 7 ultimate edition, namun cara yang penulis paparkan pada arikel ini bisa juga diaplikasikan pada windows xp, atau windows vista.

windows timer

Cara Transfer Domain Dari Hostgator ke Namecheap

Berikut saya paparkan cara untuk transfer domain anda dari hostgator ke namecheap. Sebenarnya cara ini bisa anda gunakan juga untuk transfer domain dari hostgator ke godaddy atau registrar lainya, cara agak sedikit berbeda tapi konsepnya sama. Yang berbeda hanya di sisi interface dari domain registrar yang dituju saja.

Baiklah kita mulai saja bagaimana mentransfer domain dari hostgator ke namecheap.